15 February 2008


I just bought red shoes. Peep toe. 3" heel. I could not be more thrilled. I cannot wait until they are delivered to my door. I shall then wear them with everything, everywhere.
I will post pictures when they arrive.


amber said...

With everything huh? I may hold you to this...

cls said...

Concerning David on AI: I agree with everything you said...but ya know, pop music just doesn't care about all that stuff (sadly). I think he'll win, be famous for a few years, and then take a job at a nursery watering gardenias.

It's like the little girl with the pom-pom hair on Oprah...she shouldn't be singing like that, at least now right now. But she sure is cute and that's all that seems to matter.

cls said...

*** error: at least now right now = at least NOT right now. Sorry, type A personality doesn't allow typos.