16 January 2008


My parents are in town right now. We're building a deck. It will be awesome when we're all finished and can stand outside on not-ground.
Right now, though, I'm at work, wishing I could be home helping them frame up the top level and then start laying the top. Amber got composite decking, so once we're done, we're done - no staining! Just sweeping!
There's a cold front coming in this late afternoon, which may or may not slow down production. Mostly it will be sucky to work in the cold, but that's the gamble we took when we decided to get this done in January.
If you ever build a deck, please remember that the boards are HEAVY. Just be prepared. I'll try to pilfer some pics from my mom and Amber.

1 comment:

amber said...

There is a deck blog on my page with pics if you want to steal them.